Sources and literature

in General information

When writing and compiling this website, a large number of online and offline sources are used. All sources are listed in alphabetical order below. Digital sources will, as far as possible, link to the original.

With regard to the aforementioned books, many books are no longer in print. However, second-hand copies of many books can still be found via online bookstores. The Dutch books mentioned below are not available in English.

We want to mention one source in particular: the Dutch Boeree Collection. Teodoor Boeree was a retired soldier who lived in Ede in 1944, close to the landing zones. Boeree was one of the first to attempt to accurately chart the course of the Battle of Arnhem.

Theodoor Boeree is unknown to the general public, but every historian who has investigated the Battle of Arnhem has used the meticulous notes Boeree made between 1944 and his death in 1963.

Thousands of his impressive (Dutch) notes are digitalised a few years ago and are now available at the Gelders Archive. Dutch website about commemoration World War II.

‘Arnhem, The Battle for the Bridges, 1944’, Antony Beevor, Penguin Random House, 2018.

‘Een andere kijk op de Slag om Arnhem, de snelle Duitse reactie’ Peter Berends, Uitgeverij Aspekt, 2003.

‘Airborne Carpet, operation Market Garden’, Anthony Farrar-Hockley, Standaard Uitgeverij, 1969.

‘Arnhem, september 1944’ gemeentearchief Arnhem, 1969.

‘Arnhem 44/45’, P.R.A. van Iddekinge, De Gelderse Boekhandel BV, 1981.

‘Arnhem 1944, Slag van de Tegenslag’, Bert Kerkhoffs, Uitgeverij Bredewold, 1994.

‘Arnhem 1944, the airborne battle, 17-26 september’, Martin Middlebrook, Penguin Books Ltd, 1994.

Airbornemuseum: the airborne museum in the Hartenstein hotel in Oosterbeek is worth a visit and offers extensive information about the Battle of Arnhem.

‘A street in Arnhem, The Agony of Occupation and Liberation’, Robert Kershaw, uitgeverij Casemate Publiskers, 2014.

‘Door de lens van De Booys’, P. van Iddekinge, uitgeverij Matrijs, 1999. Dutch website that dangles between healthy critical and conspiracy.

The Pegasus Archive: extensive (old fashioned) English website about the 1st British Airborne Division. personal Dutch website about socalled ‘Battlefield tours’ in the Arnhem area.

‘Arnhem’, generaal-majoor Roy Urquhart, mmv Wilfred Greatorex, uitgeverij Sijthoff, 1958. Dutch website about the Dutch volunteers in the Waffen SS during WW II.
